Theo the Mouse and Wendy get creative and make their own butterfly mobile.
Follow these easy steps to give some great tips to create your own.
Materials you Will Need
- White Paper
- Pencil & Scissors
- Different Colour Paints
- Black Felt Tip
- Black Pipe Cleaners
- String
- Paper Straws
- Sticky Tape
What to Do:
4. Next, fold your butterfly in half.
5. Open it up and look at the wonderful pattern! Do the same for the other butterfly.
6. Now draw a black outline.
7. Place your butterflies together.
8. Fold a black pipe cleaner in half. Slide it over the butterfly, twist at the bottom 3 times, then twist at the top 3 times. Finish by bending the ends to make the antennae.
9. Take a piece of string, tie a knot in one end and thread through the middle of your butterfly.
15. Cut a paper straw in half and glue it into a cross.
16. Pick up your butterfly and tie to the straw and secure it with sticky tape.
17. Make 3 more butterflies and watch them fly!
Join the Creative Fun:
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